Need Dough for Dough

February 22, 2009

Dear Friends,
As some of you are already aware, Jill and I are taking a missions trip to Cedar Rapids, IA this April with our school.  We will be working with a local church in the area as well as working to rebuild homes damaged by last year’s flooding.  This trip will cost us about $600 as we try not only to pay for our own food and lodging, but for supplies needed in the rebuilding process.  You can find more details at our mission trip blog –
To help raise funds for this trip, we are selling cookie dough.  Attached to this e-mail is a flyer (cookiedoughform) telling you about what we are selling.  If you are interested, just reply to this e-mail and let me know what you would like and I will sign you up.  The cost is $12 per tub of dough, but $10 each when you buy 3 or more.  Payment is not due till you recieve your dough – which will be delievered on March 19.  However, I only have this Friday to get our orders in.
Asking for money always makes us uncomfortable, but we do believe this is for an important cause.  We understand if funds are tight.  We will be having one more fundraiser (a walk-a-thon) in March, if you are unable to help us a the moment.  Really, every little bit helps.  So, if you would like to just donate something and not buy some dough, you can send a check (payable to Rock County Christian School, with Jill and Kevin Thompson Missions in the memo line) to:
Rock County Christian School
916 Bushnell Street
Beloit, WI  53511
No matter if you can or cannot help us with money, we would covet your prayers as we go on this trip.  In fact, we are looking for five different people who would be willing to be our prayer partners in this journey.  If you would be willing o help us with this, please let me know.
Thanks for your help, support, and prayer!

A Right-Wing Relationship

February 8, 2009


Our matching Ronald Reagan Shirts (homemade)

Not Everyone Gets on the Frontpage

January 27, 2009

Recently, the Beloit Daily News published my letter to the editor concerning a Marin Luther King convocation I attended.

This past Monday I attended the MLK Convocation at Beloit College. As an ordained preacher, I was discouraged after hearing the main address.

When I read in this paper that a local pastor would be delivering a message, I was excited. In these times of economic, social and international instability, we need to hear from pastors. We need men of God to point our attention to the Son of God – the source of all hope. 

Instead, I was told that the source of hope does not matter. I was told that when people are hurting, it does not matter where hope comes from, just as long as it comes. It was my impression that this pastor received his hope from President Obama.

While our President is inspiring, my hope is found in Jesus Christ. Kings and kingdoms will come and go, but the solid foundation of my faith (God and His Word) will abide forever. That is something I expect to hear from a preacher. I believe our country does need hope and does need to work toward racial reconciliation, but President Obama alone cannot provide these things. To pin our hopes and dreams on a government official are the thoughts of a politician, not a preacher.

Read the rest of the letter here.

Jill Makes Headlines!

January 20, 2009

Jill made it on the front page of our local newspaper, the Beloit Daily News.  Her students were interviewed concerning Barak Obama’s Inauguration.  

Kids at Rock County Christian School’s elementary campus agree the United States needs a president, but many aren’t eager to have Barack Obama’s job.

“It’s way too much for me,” 11-year-old Xander Davila said on Monday.

Xander, a student in Jill Thompson’s fifth-grade class, was one of several students the Daily News spoke with Monday as Barack Obama prepared to be inaugurated as America’s 44th president.

Read the whole article here –

A Look Back at 2008

January 3, 2009

Recently I produced a video montage of some pictures I took chronicling the year 2008.  Even though this video was uploaded to facebook, you can still view it by clicking on the picture below. 


Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2008


2008 Thompson Christmas Letter

December 24, 2008

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,  for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

 2008 has certainly been an interesting year.  Jill and I began our year in Brockton, MA serving at North Baptist Church and teaching at South Shore Christian School.  I was serving as the assistant pastor, principle and 4-6 teacher. Jill was teaching as the 2-3 grade teacher and worked in the nursery along with singing in the choir.  In just a short period of time, we would see the school close down and the Lord lead us away from our church home.  Uncertainty was in the air, yet we knew and relied upon the fact that God is sovereign and had a plan for our lives.

After having looked several opportunities, Jill discovered a Christian school in Wisconsin looking for a Bible teacher.  Upon further investigation, we found they were also looking for an elementary teacher as well.  In April we drove out to Rock County Christian School for interviews and spent some time with the Caucutt clan while out there.  While we knew it would be quite a change for us, we also felt the Lord was working.  We accepted our new positions.  Jill would become the new fifth grade teacher and I would become the middle-high school Bible and Civics teacher.

 The next few months were tough on both of us.  Yet, while times were difficult, we able to see God’s providential hand providing for our every need.  After our contracts ran out at North, the months of July through September would be our “months of lean.”  We would have no paycheck and no income. On top of this, we were leaving a church I had been at for the past five years.  Differences in philosophy and doctrine with Church leadership were becoming more evident everyday.  Tensions were rising.  Yet, we still had a bond with the church body as a whole.  It was a hard decision to leave, but it had to be done.  Praise the Lord, we were led to go back to the church I grew up in – New England Baptist Church.  There we began to undergo some spiritual healing through the encouragement of Pastor Jim Wilkes and his wife Mary, along with many others in the church.  One by one were also able to see God meet all of our economic needs.  Both sets of parents were a huge help to us during this time.  Jim and Jasmin Thompson had over for dinner quite a bit and helped us every step of the way during our move.  Ted and Jean were our eyes and ears in Wisconsin doing all the things there that we could not do from Massachusetts – the biggest thing being finding an apartment!

Our transition went very well.  Moving day in Massachusetts could not have been smoother as many from North Baptist came out to help us.  Once we arrived in Wisconsin, we had a large group of people from Rock County Christian School come and help us.  Praise the Lord for Christians with a servant’s heart!

Jill and I have come to love our new roles here as teachers.  We love our jobs, the staff we work with, and the Midwest in general.  Of course, Jill loves being so close to her family.  And I have to admit, I enjoy that as well.  An added bonus is the wonderful Church we have been attending.  Morning Star Baptist Church is the kind of church we have been longing for.  Its membership is loving and welcoming. The preaching is Christ-centered, edifying, encouraging and convicting.  The pastoral team is lead by Bob Bixby who has been  such a blessing to both of us in many ways.

When we look back at what God has done in 2008, we are only encouraged to see what He has in store for us in 2009.  We would also like to thank all of you for your friendship, fellowship and love.

If you would like to print a copy of this letter, you can download the PDF file here – thompsonchristmasletter2008

Ever Been in the Dog House?

December 24, 2008

Steve Green Thinks I Am Crazy

December 20, 2008

Last night Jill and I attended a Steve Green Christmas concert in Rockford, IL.  I was incredibly excited about the chance to meet the one and only Steve Green!  The guy whose music I’ve been listening to since high school.   My hero!

After the concert was over, I decided to try and get my picture taken with him.  Jill, the wonderful wife she is, agreed to take the picture for me.  In all the excitement I rushed out of the auditorium, and immediately spotted him.  I squeezed my way through the crowd and shook hands with Mr. Steve Green.  He agreed to take a picture with me.  Great, so far.

At this point, I turned around an introduced Steve to my wife, who suddenly morphed into a completely different person who thought it was odd that this stranger was now introducing her as his wife.  In my rush, apparently I left my wife in the dust! 

Thankfully Jill was not too upset.  I think she is getting used to my odd behavior.   Maybe you can add her to your prayers.  Life can’t be easy with a husband like me… 

I still got the picture

I still got the picture

Mornings with Marty

December 19, 2008

Ok, I know, as of late,  way too much time on this blog has been devoted to our cat.  But I just came across this video and could not help sharing it.